Everyday Mindfulness

Everyday Mindfulness

Lean a New Skill to Improve Your Wellbeing Did you know mindfulness is a skill? Just like other skills you’ve mastered, it takes time and practice. Each of us has the capacity to live more mindfully, but most of us are not taught how to do so. Everyday mindfulness allows us to alter our habitual...

Immune System Resource Guide

THE IMPORTANCE OF A STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM Your immune system is your body’s defense system to fight bacteria and germs that can make you sick or worse, cause disease. When it comes to staying healthy, or shortening an illness, having a strong immune system is important. Most of us have a general idea of what...

Tips to help you dump the junk from your diet

Thanks for following along these last few days on our quest to dump the junk and the eat cleaner. I hope you are feeling empowered, energized and ready to face the world head on!  In case you missed any of the information here is a summary of what we covered: Visualize how your are going...

Get Moving

Boost Your Energy With This Healthy Habit An active body is an active mind. It should come as no surprise that physical activity is the fourth primary food component, and the one I want to explore with you today. Think about a typical scenario where you feel tired and weary. Do you often reach for...

Work Life Balance

  What subtle changes have you made so far? I hope you’re starting to see the significance of minor food swaps and adjustments. Do you have a new favorite healthy snack? Today, I want to focus on how your work affects your health. I hope by now you understand why I am asking about your...
spirit lotus

Are you feeding your spirit well?

Many people believe that we are simply spiritual beings having a human experience. Where do you stand on spirituality? Personal faith, like food, comes in all forms. Maybe your idea of spirituality is finding solace on a long walk where you feel connected to nature, or perhaps you connect to your local yoga community for a...

Your relationship with food is about more than the food

I hope you’ve been following along with this series of posts and have found the information helpful. Take a moment to appreciate all that you’ve accomplished so far! Junk food can have a huge impact on your body, and I hope you’re becoming sensitized to the havoc it wreaks. Your relationship with food will change dramatically...

Get Enough Sleep

Are you getting enough sleep? Most people know that eating healthfully and exercising are two of the first steps to a healthy lifestyle. Very few people realize that getting enough high-quality sleep is just as important. Are you guilty of bedtime neglect? I’m sure more than a few of you are raising your hand. I...

Hydration is a key to cleaner eating

Today’s topic is may be one of the most obvious, yet widely-overlooked factors in a healthy life. Water and drinking enough of it. Water is one of the most neglected sources of nourishment in standard diets. When I ask my clients why that is, they usually say they prefer something with more flavor, or that...

What drives your junk food cravings?

Hi! I hope you’re feeling inspired to knock out more junk food today! Today I’d like you to think about what drives your junk food cravings. When I ask this question, the top response is stress, especially when running on tight deadlines and suffering post-lunch energy crashes. This leads to grabbing chips and cookies from...
Crowding Out

Make Educated Food Choices

Are your food choices educated? Who dictates what you eat?  When I ask people this, I get all sorts of responses: “TV commercials”, “family”, “colleagues” – the list is endless! Before the blame game begins, I ask the question again and second time around, it usually hits home. YOU are responsible for the food you eat. You...
clean eating

Fill your kitchen with healthy, beautiful food

Welcome to day one of this clean eating event! Yesterday, you set an intention for your own health, I appreciate you doing that and would like you to take a moment to reflect on the intention you set.  What is it that has you excited about clean eating? Now let’s get this party started! Junk...
Clean Eating Challenge

Let’s Dump The Junk Food

A 10 day junk food busting event to help you clean up your eating. It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here so I thought I’d jump in big and share 10 days worth of junk food busting tips!  I hope you’ll follow along for this mini event that will help give you a...
yogurt for breakfast

Breakfast for Busy Mornings

The alarm goes off and you are rushing around preparing for a busy day ahead, whether you have children to get ready for school, or papers to read for a morning meeting, by the time you’ve watched the news, brushed your teeth and sorted your plan for the day, you are already exhausted – sound familiar? It’s no...
plant based diet

Benefits Of A Plant Based Diet

What exactly is a plant based diet? A plant based diet is not a diet of vegetables alone. It is a diet based on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, which may exclude or minimize meat, including chicken, dairy products and eggs. The diet will definitely exclude foods made from refined flour and sugar, and certain refined...

10 Ways To Kick Stress To The Curb

Don’t let stress get the better of you When we’re stressed, it’s quite easy to develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward and break through the stress cycle. Practicing positive...
gut health

Gut-Health and Disease Prevention

What Is Gut-Health? There has been lots of talk recently about what has become known as gut-health and there is a good reason for this. Hidden within the walls of your digestive system is what is known as “your second brain” and this “brain in your gut” is changing the way that we look at the links between...
Digital detox

Are your digital habits messing with your sleep?

Did you know the light from your devices – phone, tablet, TV, laptop – messes with your body’s hormones and can make it harder for you to sleep? That’s because LED-based devices emit blue light, which can boost the cortisol levels in your body. Cortisol is the fight-or-flight “stress” hormone that is designed to get...
happy scene

3 Simple Habits To a Happier You

We all want a happy life. Happiness brings with it better health, more satisfying relationships, it makes us more creative, and attracts happy people into our lives. But being happy can be a challenge. It’s easy to set our focus on the bad things in life while ignoring the good. Here three proven habits to...

Cultivating Happiness

Once you’ve let go of the habits that interfere with happiness (the topic of last weeks post), it’s time to form the new ones that help in cultivating happiness in your life. We can maximize our results by understanding what happens in our brains when we’re happy or unhappy. What brings us the chemical high...

The Meta Of Happiness

What is happiness? Happiness…is it a state of mind? A philosophy? Is it an emotion that we can manage like anger and sadness? “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.” ~ Aristotle. Aristotle helped us understand happiness in two distinct parts: Hedonia: the feeling of...

The Psychology of Happiness

Positive Psychology suggests each of us is born with a ‘set-point’ for happiness. Basically, some of us are naturally wired to be happier than others. While our set points remain relatively constant, evidence suggests they increase or decrease depending upon our interpretation and responses to events. This means that, though our DNA, genes, and personality...
February Happiness

February is Happiness Month

Don’t let this notoriously bad month get you down! Make it a happy February! February may be the shortest month but it can seem like the longest, most dreary month of the year.  The days are cold, it can seem like the sun will never come out again and we’ve all had just about enough...

Apps To Help You Meet Your Goals This Year

2018 is almost here and even though I’m not one to make resolutions I do think it is a good time to take stock of my health habits and see where there is room to improve.  I like to check in and ask myself if I am drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, staying active...
root vegetables

Go Beyond The Salad – Try Root Veggies

Give Root Vegetables More Room in Your Diet When you think about healthy eating, salads and green vegetables usually come to mind. But how about adding a little more variety to your plan? Root vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, and turnips, are a rich source of nutritious complex carbohydrates. Instead of upsetting blood sugar levels like...

Eating Well Even When You’re Super Busy

When you’re super busy it can be hard to eat healthy. It’s easy for your best intentions to scatter when you are busy and have a packed schedule.  While it may be easy to grab takeout on the way home, I don’t have to tell you that it’s not the best choice you could be...
stocking stuffer ideas

Holiday Stocking Stuffer Ideas

10 Great Stocking Stuffer Ideas Fill their stockings with treats with goodies that inspire health and wellness this year.  These 10 stocking stuffer ideas are much better than sugary snacks and office supplies! Need more gift ideas – I’ve got you covered with 10 Healthy Holiday Gifts. 1. Smart Wool Run Socks Nothing beats Smart...
Holiday Gift Ideas

Holiday Gift Ideas

10 Gift Ideas That Will Inspire Healthy Living — Most Under $25 This holiday season surprise the people you love with a gift that will inspire healthy living.  Whether you have a marathon runner or someone looking to get started living a healthier life, these gifts will delight.  Hand picked and most of them are under...
holiday stress

Avoid Holiday Stress This Year!

3 Tips To Avoid Stress This Holiday Season The holidays are here! A time to celebrate with family and friends. But, it’s also a busy time of year  that can lead to an overload of holiday stress.  After all, you likely have several invitations to gatherings, a long list of people you need to send...
junk food reset

Junk Food Reset

As a Health Coach I eat pretty healthy.  Lots of clean, fresh foods — organic and local as often as possible.  But let’s face it – junk happens to us all.  The key is not letting the junk get the better of you and beating yourself up for indulging. Take a deep breath and get...
Food Cravings

Understanding Food Cravings

Food Cravings Are Normal Food cravings are a topic that comes up a lot with my clients. Everyone, now and then, has a craving for sweet or salty foods which isn’t “bad” unless those cravings become part of your everyday life and have a negative impact on your health and wellbeing. If you want to live...
dietary fats

Dietary Fats: Good or Bad?

Both. You see, not all dietary fats are created equal. The Skinny on Fats Heavily processed, hydrogenated “trans” fats used in prepared, packaged foods can be extremely damaging to the body. They can compromise the cardiovascular system, immune system, and contribute to behavior problems. They can also lead to weight gain, skin breakouts, high blood...

5 Tips To Keep Yoga and Activewear Looking and Smelling Great

Keep Your Activewear Looking and Smelling GreatQuality yoga and activewear can be pricey but I tend to believe you get what you pay for. With a little care and attention you can maximize the life of your favorite pieces.  Think about it, would you just throw an expensive blouse in the wash any old way and then...

So Many Reasons to Love Mangoes

Mangoes contain over 20 different vitamins and minerals making them one of the most nutrient dense fruits available.  And they taste so good! Mangoes are very low in saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. They are also an excellent source of dietary fiber and vitamin B6, as well as a good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. They are rich in...
Walk for energy

Boost Your Energy With This Healthy Habit

If you're anything like me then you need an energy boost during the day.But instead of grabbing another cup of coffee for energy, your best bet might be to get moving. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, if I'm tired the last thing I want to think about is exercise.  Well, research says think again! By getting out and...
Bean Salad Legumes

Four Tips To Eat More Legumes

Legumes like beans peas and lentils are nutritional powerhouses. Legumes are low fat, high fiber and a super source of protein. Here are 4 quick tips to help you add more to your diet Add legumes to soups, stews and casseroles. Use pureed beans as the basis for dips and spreads. Add chickpeas or black...
Sweet potato

Sweet Potato with Hummus

A baked sweet potato topped with hummus is hearty enough for a meal. Print Recipe Sweet Potato with Hummus Servings servings Ingredients 4 sweet potatoes2 tablespoons sea salt flakes1-2 cups baby kale leaves1/2 teaspoon dried chili flakes1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil plus 1 teaspoon for cookingSea salt and cracked black pepper1 sweet onion chopped1...
healthy spices

Spice Up Your Health

Healthy Spices Spices are great for adding flavor and interest to your favorite recipes AND they also can pack a powerful health punch!   Check out these six healthy spices that boost immunity, have vitamins, can help fight inflammation and so much more. You can download a PDF version of these tips here if you’d like...
Veggies and Fruits

15 Ways To Add More Veggies And Fruit Into Your Life

Only 1 in 10 Americans eats enough fruits and veggies! Really! Yikes! According to data collected by the CDC a few years ago, the average American eats only 1.1 servings of fruit (including fruit juice) and 1.6 servings of veggies (including fried potatoes) per day. Hopefully this number has increased since this research was released in 2013 but it...
spirit lotus

Five Benefits of Meditation During The Holidays

Calmer, Happier Holidays … Did Someone Say Om? The holidays are a time to celebrate and gather with family and friends, a time to recall and appreciate our blessings and spread good cheer. Unfortunately, on a less cheerful note, our schedules can get jam packed full with stressful holiday shopping and events. Taking time out for meditation can enhance...

Sleeping Well – 8 Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

According to the National Sleep Foundation a healthy adult needs between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. How well are you sleeping? Most of us know that getting a good night’s sleep is important, but too few of us actually make those recommended eight hours a priority. We take sleeping for granted and, many of...
women outdoors

A Special Invitation

Even though it doesn’t feel like it yet, fall is right around the corner! Fall is my favorite season. I love the sound of crunching leaves as I walk through them and a cup of warm cider after a hike. And a new season also means I get to shop for a few new things!...

10 Easy Strategies to Help You Eat Healthier

10 Tips to Help You Eat Healthier If you are trying to eat healthier you can make it easier for yourself with a little bit of planning and these simple strategies Use smaller plates.  Big plates equal big portions. And that means you eat more. According to a study conducted by Brian Wansink, a professor at...

Eggs: Cracking the Code

I’m not dogmatic when it comes to choosing a way of eating, I listen to my body and try to do what’s best for it.  So when it comes to buying organic I buy as much as I can but I don’t go crazy.  However, there are a few foods that I always buy organic...

Tips To Select And Store The Perfect Avocado

The avocado is an incredible fruit — versatile, tasty, healthy — but until recently I had no idea how to choose a good one or how to store it once I got home. Here are a few tips I gathered from the produce manager at my local supermarket to help pick and store the perfect avocado: Is...