Junk Food Reset

As a Health Coach I eat pretty healthy.  Lots of clean, fresh foods — organic and local as often as possible.  But let’s face it – junk happens to us all.  The key is not letting the junk get the better of you and beating yourself up for indulging. Take a deep breath and get ready to reset.

So how do you “reset” after a junk food binge or a bad day of eating, without going crazy and forcing a Juice Cleanse on your colon?

Since junk food can be addictive it can lead to a vicious cycle of craving more junk food. Resetting your food cravings can be a great way to get back on track. Try these tips if you have a bad day.

  1. Cut out all sugar, and eat “clean” for a day.
  2. Use a to tongue scrapper.  Yes I said tongue scrapper.  Food particles lingering on your tongue do more than cause bacterial and bad breath – they can actually cause food cravings.
  3. Include good sources of protein and fiber with every meal, which slow digestion and keep insulin levels stable.
  4. Exercise! Exercise calms us down, and suppresses the stress hormones that cause our cravings for junk food to go crazy.
  5. Get a good nights sleep. Adequate sleep (7-8 hours a night) ensures leptin (the hormone that tells us we’re full) and ghrelin (the hormone that tells us we’re hungry) levels are maintained, which helps keep cravings for junk food in check.

And remember – skipping meals and starvation diets are a bad idea anytime.  If you are interested in Eating Clean check out my “Dump The Junk” challenge.