Fill your kitchen with healthy, beautiful food

Welcome to day one of this clean eating event!

Yesterday, you set an intention for your own health, I appreciate you doing that and would like you to take a moment to reflect on the intention you set.  What is it that has you excited about clean eating?

Now let’s get this party started!

Junk food is everywhere. From salty snacks and fried foods to sodas, candy bars, and cookies, many feel it’s hard to choose healthy options. Junk foods contain addictive ingredients like sugar, artificial flavorings, and MSG that makes it hard to stop eating them. Most people know these foods cause health issues, but can’t resist the temptation of them.  I know, I’ve been there… multiple times.

If you keep good food within reach, you’ll eat good food.

Unfortunately, the opposite is just as true.  If junk food is within reach, you can be sure it will get eaten.  Let’s kick this challenge off by eliminating the junk food offenders from your kitchen. If it doesn’t promote health, it’s going out the door.

Don’t be fooled by clever marketing phrases like “all natural” or “100% healthy” – there’s a lot of leeway in these claims. The goal is to get consumers to purchase the food, not to improve their health. You’re too smart to fall for misleading marketing.

Donate or toss the foods you know contain junky ingredients. Pay special attention to canned foods and packaged items, which are often the worst offenders. People often ask, “How do I know which foods are junk?”

Here are a few quick terms that raise red flags:

  • Artificial food coloring ingredients such as red dye 40, yellow 5, and green 3
  • Artificial sweeteners like aspartame and xylitol
  • Trans fats, often called hydrogenated oils, partially hydrogenated oils, or shortening
  • Any ingredient you can’t pronounce

I realize that this is a tall ask.  There may be others in your home not prepared to go on this journey with you.  If you don’t feel comfortable totally eliminating these foods from your home in one fell swoop – try this:

  • Take an extra day or two to let the junk food supply dwindle BUT don’t replenish it
  • Stash the junkiest offenders out of sight in a remote corner of the pantry
  • I’ve even gone as far as wrapping boxes of Oreos in foil to discourage eating them. Having to pause to unwrap a box of cookies may give you just enough time to tell yourself “No”

The more you stay committed to whole foods and simple ingredients, the more your health benefits.

See you tomorrow!

Read yesterdays post.