Five Benefits of Meditation During The Holidays

Calmer, Happier Holidays … Did Someone Say Om?

The holidays are a time to celebrate and gather with family and friends, a time to recall and appreciate our blessings and spread good cheer. Unfortunately, on a less cheerful note, our schedules can get jam packed full with stressful holiday shopping and events. Taking time out for meditation can enhance your sense of joy and peace, even if it is just for five or ten minutes each day.

Here are 5 benefits of meditation during the holidays:

  1. Meditation provides a break when you don’t feel like being in the holiday spirit. During this festive time of year many people tend to feel anxious or depressed, all that gift giving and holiday cheer can be exhausting.  The pressure to be happy during the holidays can become too much. There is nothing wrong with feeling like the Grinch or Scrooge, meditating can help you deal with feelings of disappointment, guilt or resentment.  Feel the way you feel, you are OK, you just have to accept yourself.
  1. Meditation can open you up to appreciate the good things in your life. When your mind wanders, a heart-based meditation helps you return to positive feelings, allowing sensations of gratitude, love, or joy to flow with your breath. Do this by bringing your awareness to the center of your chest and imagine your breath flowing in and out of your heart center, this will redirect the mind and replace negative emotions with positive ones, leaving you with a feeling of gratitude that will put a smile upon your face.
  1. Meditation nourishes your body, heart and soul. No matter what the situation is, there is always room for meeting your experiences with a more tranquil mind and compassionate awareness. The holiday season can sometimes be depleting, meditation can replenish our body minds and souls.
  1. Meditation helps you stay true to your values. For many people the holidays bring a sense of increased pressure and greater expectations. Meditation can unleash your creativity and inspire you to dive deeply in what is truly important to you. During your quiet time, take a moment to reflect on the meaning of gifts, it will help you chose better. Think of all the relaxing activities you could do to feel better, healthier, lighter, and free from outside pressure. Pick activities that support the life you really value and enjoy. After some minutes of meditation, grab a pen and paper and write down possibilities for this season.
  1. Meditation offers you a unique time to practice neutrality. The holidays can stuff us with emotions, much the same way our bodies get stuffed with food and drinks that we don’t normally consume during the rest of the year. It can be a real test of both our physical and emotional stamina. Our systems of assimilation, digestion and elimination can get jeopardized if we’re not conscious enough and lose sight of ourselves. Five minutes of meditation every day can have powerful effects for feeling generous, peaceful and happy! As you cultivate a neutral perspective on life your body will more easily and effortlessly assimilate, digest and eliminate the delicious feast, with no long-term consequences or need for recovery.

Whether you meditate regularly or you have never tried meditation before, a simple holiday meditation will make you feel a little better! And the best part of it is that you can do it over and over again throughout the holiday season, as needed (no prescription required).