Apps To Help You Meet Your Goals This Year

apps2018 is almost here and even though I’m not one to make resolutions I do think it is a good time to take stock of my health habits and see where there is room to improve.  I like to check in and ask myself if I am drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, staying active, and eating as well as I could be. To help make sure I’m staying on track I’ve been playing with a lot of different apps the last few months.

Here are a few apps that I’ve found helpful.

1. Water is essential and so many of us don’t get enough.
  • Thirst is usually mistaken for hunger (materializes in excessive snacking/craving)
  • Water impacts focus and mental sharpness (“brain fog” is usually dehydration)
  • Water affects your digestive system (leading to sluggish movement of the system)
  • Drinking enough water can lead to weight loss (when it’s needed)

Check out Daily Water Free and Waterlogged

2. Sleep – the elusive activity.

When you’re a kid, you don’t want to sleep too much and as an adult we can’t sleep enough. The sleep conundrum is felt at both ends of the spectrum because the quality of sleep affects the rejuvenation benefits. When sleep is inadequate adults feel it in their bones, attention levels, focus, weight and immune system.

If you don’t have a sleep monitor on your fitness tracker you may want to try Sleep Cycle or Sleep Time+

3. Fitness – you know you need it, but somehow it often falls to the end of the to do list.

Fitness can be accomplished anywhere, not just at the gym. Sometimes all you need is to have “a personal trainer in your pocket” and a time frame you can commit to in order to be successful. Weight training, body weight training and core training beat cardio when it comes to bone strength, muscle mass and staying young.

I am a huge fan of Fitbit and their app.  My Fitness Pal is a favorite too.

4. Food is the fuel that makes the rest of the well-oiled machine work.

What and when you eat matters more than you think. Let’s break down the barrier of what to buy, what to cook and how to get it at the best price. Meal planning and cooking can be easy when you’re prepared ahead of time. Zipongo is a problem solver app, especially for working parents and people who work long hours. Take the time for this, because your body can’t function effectively or in a healthy state indefinitely by skipping meals or grabbing junk to eat.

I hope you find these apps helpful and if you have a favorite please share it on Facebook! If you need tips about what habits your might want to focus on check out my free Healthy Habits Challenge and Facebook Group.  Here’s to a happy healthy new year!
