Are your digital habits messing with your sleep?

Did you know the light from your devices – phone, tablet, TV, laptop – messes with your body’s hormones and can make it harder for you to sleep?

Digital detox

That’s because LED-based devices emit blue light, which can boost the cortisol levels in your body.
Cortisol is the fight-or-flight “stress” hormone that is designed to get us up and moving when we’re confronted with danger. And that can have a significant impact on melatonin, the hormone that induces sleep.

That’s exactly the opposite of what you want to have happen just before bedtime, right?

I know a lot of us are super dependent on our phones, tv’s and computers…. So that’s exactly why this week, we’re going to shut all of them off at 8 p.m…. so we can get a better night of sleep!

The Importance of Sleep

As you know, sleep has a tremendous impact on nearly every aspect of your life, whether it’s losing weight, improving your mood, or being more productive at work.

Most of us need at least 6 to 8 hours of quality sleep every night…. but for a lot of us, getting that much can be a real struggle.

Here’s a good article quoting scientists who have done studies on the effects of blue light during sleep:

Are you ready for a Digital Detox?

We are living in an age of ever-increasing technology which has brought digital devices to our hands and made them accessible throughout the day and even during the night. These technological advancements are causing more harm than good to our health and relationships and detaching from them is becoming a challenge.

However difficult your think it may be, it is not impossible to digitally detoxify yourself, if you stay committed and have a plan.

To get you going I’ve got a free step-by-step guide will help you to attain the goal of setting a limit on the technology and not letting it take over your life.

Download the free Digital Detox E-Guide and get started today! 

Take the Pledge

Share your commitment to spending less time with devices and more time with family and friends by taking the National Day of Unplugging Pledge at  For 24 hours, from sundown March 9th to sundown March 10th, people all over America will be putting down their electronic devices and connecting with family, friends and their community.
They have some great pictures you can use to let people on social media know you are taking the day off

Not Quite Ready To Turn Off Completely?

It’s okay, lots of people need to take a smaller step first. If staying away from your electronics is impossible, definitely consider dimming the light or using an app that can help….. but scientists who have done hundreds of experiments say the best way to avoid the problem…. is to avoid your electronics before bed!