Holiday Stocking Stuffer Ideas

10 Great Stocking Stuffer Ideas

Fill their stockings with treats with goodies that inspire health and wellness this year.  These 10 stocking stuffer ideas are much better than sugary snacks and office supplies!

Need more gift ideas – I’ve got you covered with 10 Healthy Holiday Gifts.

1. Smart Wool Run Socks

Nothing beats Smart Wool socks in my opinion.  For hiking, running or everyday wear they are, hands down, the most comfortable socks on the planet!  Starting at $10 on Amazon

gift guide2. Justin’s Natural Peanut Butter

All natural, vegan, gluten free and best of all — delicious.  These single serve packs of peanut or almond butter are great stocking stuffers for the whole family.  20 individual squeeze packs $13.25 on  Amazon

3. Aromatherapy Eye Pillow

If you have someone on your holiday shopping list that’s a bit stressed out they might like a Lavender Eye Pillow.  This silk pillow is filled with natural lavender and flaxseed to provide calming aromatherapy for relaxation and stress relief. $10.95 on Amazon

4. Hair Ties

Skip the toddler colors and go for these sophisticated natural tones by Kenz Laurenz.  Made to be gentle on your hair from no crease ribbon. $8.00 for 20 on Amazon

5. Burts Bee’s Lip Balm

No stocking is complete without at lease one tube of lip balm.  One of my favorites is Burt’s Bees All Weather SPF 15.  100% natural ingredients keep lips protected from the sun all year round.   From $8.78 on Amazon.

6. Carabiners

You don’t have to be a climber to find carabiners useful.  They can hold keys, hair ties, attach things to other things, you name it and a carabiner can be useful. My favorites are by Nite Ize  $1.99 and up on Amazon

7. Titanium Spork

The Light My Fire Titanium Spork is about as perfect as you can get when it comes to utilitarian gifts.  For campers or lunch packers this is the gold standard of Sporks.  They also make a BPA-free version that’s less expensive. $14.00 on Amazon

8. Reusable Sandwich Bags

Packaging for lunches creates (literally) tons of waste each year.  Add a bit of help for the environment to their stocking with these fun, reusable sandwich bags from Lunchskins. $23.50 for a set of 3 on Amazon

9. Kind Bars

Replace the holiday chocolates with Kind Bars.  Get a 12 count box to fill all their stockings and have a few leftover for yourself! $14.33 for a box of 12 on Amazon


10. Tea Infuser

A super unique stocking stuffer for the tea drinker on your list  $9.97 on Amazon.  Check out this cute Manatee version too!

Happy holidays!